How to Tame the "Komono" Monster

Clutter that consists of a jumbled mix of items can be very stressful and overwhelming. Whether you are drowning in miscellaneous (referred to as the “Komono” category), or just need to refine your cabinet organization, subcategorization is your friend! Here are some guidelines to remember when tackling your Komono:

  1. Sort your Komono clutter into subcategories

  2. Process each subcategory - keep, donate, trash/recycle

  3. Discard - immediately remove the discard items to be donated or otherwise disposed

  4. Store - find appropriate homes for each subcategory of items while keeping the following in mind:
    * store priority items closest to activity center and reach level
    * store similarly sized objects grouped together
    * ensure visibility by using clear containers, labels, and vertical placement of objects in drawers

Make sure to focus on only one subcategory at a time!

Copy of Komomo .png
Tidy Party Komono.png